The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) enables the retrieval of network connected resources available across the cyber world and has evolved through the decades to deliver fast, secure and rich medium for digital communication.

HTTP was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee. Tim Berners-Lee is pioneer of the World Wide Web who designed the application protocol to perform high-level data communication functions between Web-servers and clients.

The first documented version of HTTP was released in 1991 as HTTP 0.9, which later led to the official introduction and recognition of HTTP1.0 in 1996. HTTP1.1 followed in 1997 and has since received little iterative improvements.

HTTP/2 will make our applications faster, simpler, and more robust. HTTP/2 opens up a number of entirely new opportunities to optimize our applications and improve performance.

The primary goals for HTTP/2 are to reduce latency by enabling full request and response multiplexing, minimize protocol and add support for request prioritization and server push.

HTTP2 provides multiplexing – ability to get multiple interactions into a single TCP connection, similar to what SPDY gave us; header compression – reduces the redundancy of sending the same headers repeatedly; server push – handles some of the issues of resource dependencies so the server can push them to you knowing you’ll need them and resource prioritization – prioritizing delivery based on type/content using weights and dependencies.

HTTP/2 on top provides that the web is more situational than ever.