Getting Started

Choose the right plan

Swift Performance AI is the best choice to speed up your WordPress sites. There are 4 + 1 available plans:

Single plan

You can use Swift Performance with Single plan for 1 WordPress site. It can be the right choice if you have only 1 site, or if you would like to test what can Swift Performance AI do (you can upgrade your subscription later).

Multi plan

You can use Swift Performance with Multi plan for up to 5 WordPress sites. Regarding that the Multi plan price is very reasonable, if you have at least 2 sites you should choose Multi plan.

Developer plan

As the plan name suggest this plan is the best for developers, who manage many sites. You can use Developer Plan for up to 100 WordPress sites. If you are an agency, or freelancer, who has few clients you should choose Developer plan.

Business plan

We created Business plan for professional speed up experts, who doesn't manage the site, but speed up WordPress sites as a service. Business plan can be used on unlimited sites. For this plan monthly subscription is also available, so you can choose the monthly plan with a reasonable monthly fee as well.

Micro plan

Micro license is a special Single license for bloggers and personal sites. Even if your project generates some income you can use Micro license if your project meets the following requirements: Your site may can generate income from ads, but you can’t sell any service/product (including PR articles) on the site. Using Micro license is not allowed for politically active sites.

Install Swift Performance AI

  1. Login to My account on
  2. On the next screen you will see your subscriptions. Choose any active subscription and click to Manage Subscription
  3. On the next screen click to Download in Swift Performance AI section (you can still download Swift Performance 2, but it is a different plugin)
  4. Login to WordPress admin where you would like to install Swift Performance AI
  5. Go to Plugins < Add new and click to upload plugin
  6. Select the previously downloaded ZIP file ( and click to install
  7. Now let Swift Performance AI to configurate itself

Basic configuration


Caching is one of the core functions of Swift Performance AI. The cache warmer will load all of your pages - when necessary - and save a static version of every pages. Once a visitor will be served from cache, your server will load this static file, which need much less resources (CPU and memory) and of course it is much faster than generate the page for every visit.

Some managed hosting has their own caching system (which sometimes even faster, but mostly it is better only for the hosting company), so you can disable caching in Swift Performance AI. Otherwise - in the most cases - you should let caching enabled in Swift Performance.

Optimize CSS

CSS optimization can improve Core Web Vital, it should be always enabled. There are 3 levels of optimization:

  1. Disabled
  2. Generate Critical CSS and optimize CSS delivery
  3. Optimize font delivery

If there are no issues with your fonts, then you should always set it to full optimization

Optimize JS

One of the best improvements in Swift Performance AI is the real javascript optimization. If this feature is enabled Swift Performance will optimize javascript execution and decrease the load on main browser thread. It can speed up your site even for logged in users and on non-cached pages.

JS Delivery

Swift Performance AI can also improve the javascript delivery. It means Swift Performance will manage which script should be loaded and when. There are 3 levels of JS delivery feature:

  1. Disabled
  2. Offload main thread
  3. Delay less important scripts

If there are no issues on the site you should set it to maximum level, however in rare cases it can cause issues with some themes/plugins. If you have any issues please open a support ticket, and our developer team will check into it. In these cases as a quick fix you can set the level to medium or you can even temporary disable this feature.

Optimize Images

Swift Performance AI will generate optimized WebP version for all images (including third party and background images) on the fly. Optionally you can also enable Optimize Images on Upload. Swift Performance also can use WebP which has been generated by other plugins, so you can switch instantly.

Optimize Iframes

Swift Performance AI can create placeholder for iframes, and lazyload them. In that case on the first load only an optimized screenshot will be loaded instead the heavy iframe, and Swift Performance will load the embedded iframe only when it is necessary.

Code Optimizer

Automatically deactivate unnecessary plugins specifically for each respective request using intelligent rules, and apply other small code improvements to speed up WP Admin, AJAX requests and frontend.

Development Mode

Development Mode temporarily suspends caching and optimization features for two hours (unless disabled beforehand).

Advanced configuration

You can tweak advanced settings if you click "Under the hood" button in Configuration. In most cases you won't need to change these settings, except if you need a quick fix until permanent solution from our dev team.


Logged in cache

If you enable this option Swift Performance will serve cached pages even for logged in users. In most cases you can simply load cached pages for logged in users as well. If there are some parts which should be personalized, you can use fragments to load them AJAX, or enable Collage to automated detection.

Exclude URLs

With this option, you can exclude pages by URL (or URL part). Write one URL (part) per line, then click to update.

Swift Performance AI will detect non-cacheable pages automatically, however regarding that there are over 50 000 WordPress plugins and approximetly 30 000 themes, it can happen that Swift Performance can't detect a non-cacheable page. If you find that there is a plugin or theme related page which always should be excluded, please let us know.

Exclude Post Types

With this option, you can exclude post types. You can select multiple post types.

Just like pages, Swift Performance AI can detect non-cacheable post types automatically as well. However regarding that there are over 50 000 WordPress plugins, it can happen that Swift Performance can't detect a non-cacheable post type. If you find that there is a custom post type which always should be excluded, please let us know.

Query String

By default Swift Performance will bypass caching if query string is present in the URL. There are 2 options to overwrite this default behavior:

Ignored query parameters

You can define query parameters which should be ignored. Write one parameter per line. Swift Performance ignores some parameters by default: utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_expid, utm_term, utm_content, fb_action_ids, fb_action_types, fb_source, fbclid, _ga, gclid, age-verified

Allowed query parameters

You can list query parameters which shouldn't be ignored, but should be cached separately. For example if you add "s" parameter, all of your search results pages will be cached separately. Write one parameter per line.

Bypass Cookies

By default Swift Performance will bypass caching if some specific cookies are set. However you can list any cookies here.

If you find that there is a cookie, which always should be bypassed, please let us know.

Enable GZIP

Usually you won't need to enable GZIP manually, because Swift Performance can detect compression and configure it automatically. However if you have double GZIP issues, then you may need to disable this feature in Swift Performance settings.

Browser Cache

With this option you can let Swift Performance to set the expiry headers for different content types. Usually you don't need to disable this, however in some cases (for example if you are using a CDN with own expiry values), it is unnecessary.

Keep Original Headers

Send original headers for cached pages. If you are using a plugin which send custom headers you can keep them for the cached version as well.


Optimize Images on Upload

Swift Performance AI will optimize all images (even third party, and background images) on demand. This means, when the cache warmer cache a page, it will pick up all images and optimize them on the actual page. Therefore you don't really need to optimize images on upload, however it can be useful if you would like to serve optimized images for the first (uncached) pageview.

Lazyload Images

Swift Performance AI is using the native lazyload for images, but improve it. Automatically detects important images and exclude them from lazyloading. You need disable this feature only if you would like to use a different plugin for lazyloading (not recommended).

Smart Image Sizing

Swift Performance will automatically resize images for every used viewport size, and will use responsive images on every pages (even for logged in visitors). You need disable this feature only if you would like to use a different plugin for responsive images (not recommended).

Optimize Rendering

Swift Performance AI will automatically detect the important images on every pages during the optimization process. These images will be excluded from lazyloading and will be preloaded (using the right responsive size) to improve LCP and FCP scores.



Swift Performance AI can load some part of the page dynamically and load the rest from cache. You can enable fragment caching for Elementor Widgets or Gutenberg Blocks in the editor, and specify shortcodes which should be loaded dynamically.


Collage is a smart feature, which identify dynamic part of a page and load them via AJAX. It can be extremly helpful, if you also enable Logged in cache.

With this feature Swift Performance will use smart preload technique (based on network bandwidth and device) to speed up the onsite navigation. With preloading important pages before the user navigate the navigation can be nearly instant. It will improve the field data scores, and the user experience as well.


On the system tab you can see your subscription status and disconnect the current site from the subscription.

If you need to add the generated rewrite rules manually, you can download them and also can verify that they work.

You can check the API connection status and reconnect API if it is necessary, and you can also start over the whole setup process. Please note if you restart setup, your current settings will be overwritten.



Swift Performance AI is compatible with most plugins and themes out of box, however there are a few third-party plugins, themes, server software and services which are highly integrated with Swift Performance. Most of them doesn't need any configuration (like Elementor, Slider Revolution, WP Bakery, LiteSpeed, etc.), some others can be configured - if it is necessary.


You can enable autopurge Cloudflare cache, which is recommended if you are using Cloudflare APO, or proxy caching. If you previously used any Cloudflare plugin where your API credentials were set, Swift Performance will find them so you don't need to set them again.

If Cloudflare couldn't be configured automatically you need to choose the authentication mode, and enter Cloudflare e-mail and API password, or Cloudflare API token (recommended).

Once you configured Cloudflare you can enable Proxy caching, which will provide the same performance as Cloudflare APO.


If your site is running on Nginx server you need to add the generated rules manually to Nginx config.

You can find the rewrite rules on Nginx tab under Integrations, copy the rules, add them to config and restart Nginx.

On Nginx integration tab you can also verify that rules are up-to-date and working.


If Swift Performance detects Varnish you can enable Varnish module on Varnish tab under Integrations. Once you enabled it, Swift Performance will manage Varnish cache as well.


There are some specific features which can be enabled for a WooCommerce site. You can manage them on WooCommerce tab under Integrations.

Prebuild Variations

If you have separate single pages for variations you should also prebuild them. For this you need to enable Prebuild Variations feature, so Swift Performance will automatically preload, cache and optimize available variation single pages for all products.

Checkout Booster

If Checkout Booster is enabled, Swift Performance will preload cart and checkout pages, and force visitors' browser to cache them for a short time. In that way cart and checkout pages can be loaded instantly when your customer navigate to cart/checkout pages.

Price Fragments

If you have a multi-currency store, or use visitors' geolocation to calculate VAT on shop/product pages, you can enable Price Fragments feature, to load prices via AJAX, while the rest of the page can be served from cache.

Changelog – 2024.10.10.

  • [FIX] Critical CSS loading bug – 2024.10.09.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2024.09.04.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Cloudflare page rule creation issue – 2024.08.14.

  • [FIX] Fix REST route conflict with WPML (thank you for Alexandre Englebert)
  • [FIX] Cache Management issue
  • [FIX] Compilanz compatibility fix
  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2024.08.08.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Fragments compatibility with Astra infinite loader – 2024.07.26.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Prefetch links – 2024.07.03.

  • [IMPROVE] JS Engine
  • [IMPROVE] Image Optimizer base64 encoded image handling
  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

0.5.13 – 2024.06.27.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

0.5.12 – 2024.06.25.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] Improve JS Engine

0.5.11 – 2024.06.20.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

0.5.10 – 2024.06.04.

  • [FIX] Various minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Iframe optimizer bug – 2024.04.16.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] HTML parser

0.5.9 – 2024.04.11.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [IMPROVE] JS Engine – 2024.03.26.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Affiliate WP compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS handling – 2024.02.29.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2024.02.24.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2024.02.15.

  • [FIX] Cache path issue with subdirectory install
  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2024.02.09.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2024.02.01.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Bypass cache during CLI request
  • [FIX] Error during save Oxygen and Breakdance
  • [IMPROVE] Remove non-existent pages from warmup table – 2024.01.18.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] LMS JS conflicts
  • [FIX] Avoid fatal error if WordPress constants are missing
  • [IMPROVE] ACF compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Breakdance compatibility
  • [IMPROVE] Oxygen builder compatibility – 2023.12.19.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2023.12.15.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
  • [FIX] Presto Player compatibility – 2023.12.11.

  • [FIX] bbPress fatal error fix
  • [IMPROVE] Cache management
  • [IMPROVE] CPU usage management
  • [IMPROVE] Borlabs Cookie script blocker compatibility – 2023.11.26.

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
  • [FIX] Shopify compatibility issue – 2023.11.23.

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
  • [FIX] JS Engine conflicts – 2023.11.16.

  • [IMPROVE] LCP & FCP optimization – 2023.11.14.

  • [FIX] BugMonitor compatibility issue – 2023.11.10.

  • [FIX] Minor bugfixes – 2023.11.07.

  • [FIX] Early node issue with JSON requests – 2023.10.26.

  • [FIX] Missing Critical CSS in some cases – 2023.10.13.

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes – 2023.10.09.

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes – 2023.09.13.

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes – 2023.09.07.

  • [FIX] False positive page not cacheable error in toolbar – 2023.09.04.

  • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
  • [FIX] Subfolder install issues
  • – 2023.09.01.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] ReCaptcha compatibility

    0.5.8 – 2023.08.25.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [FIX] Bricks parralax compatibility
    • [FIX] Website Speedy compatibility
    • [FIX] SureCache compatibility

    0.5.7 – 2023.08.08.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] Real Cookie Banner compatibility – 2023.07.19.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes

    0.5.6 – 2023.07.19.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] Fragments WooCommerce compability – 2023.07.14.

    • [FIX] DHL for WooCommerce compatibility fix
    • [FIX] Code Optimizer WooCommerce missing permalink settings – 2023.07.13.

    • [FIX] Elementor Lightbox

    0.5.5 – 2023.07.11.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [FIX] Smart Image Sizing – 2023.07.10.

    • [FIX] Pixelmate Datacontro compatibility fix

    0.5.4 – 2023.07.07.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [FIX] Image Optimizer bug with relative URLs
    • [FIX] Pixelmate Datacontrol cache compatibility

    0.5.3 – 2023.07.04.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes

    0.5.2 – 2023.06.28.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes

    0.5.1 – 2023.06.23.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [FIX] Code Optimizer WooCommerce extensions compatibility

    0.5 – 2023.06.22.

    • [NEW] Code Optimizer (experimental)
    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes
    • [FIX] Elementor Vimeo Background Videos
    • [FIX] Fix srcset with multiple retina images
    • [FIX] Delete expired transients created by HTTP Request cache
    • [FIX] GIF Optimization errors

    0.4.10 – 2023.05.18.

    • [IMPROVE] Navigation Booster
    • [FIX] JS Engine compatibility issues

    0.4.9 – 2023.05.15.

    • [IMRPOVE] HTML parser
    • [IMRPOVE] CLS Handling
    • [IMRPOVE] Content-Security-Policy compatibility

    0.4.8 – 2023.05.12.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Compatibility issue with 404 redirect plugins
    • [IMRPOVE] Add missing alt tags to images

    0.4.7 – 2023.05.11.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] Iframe Optimization
    • [IMPROVE] 3rd Party Compatibility

    0.4.6 – 2023.05.02.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Cache expiry
    • [FIX] Improve image sizes

    0.4.5 – 2023.04.13.

    • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS delivery

    0.4.4 – 2023.04.11.

    • [IMPROVE] Divi compatibility

    0.4.3 – 2023.04.05.

    • [FIX] Beaver Builder compatibility issue

    0.4.2 – 2023.04.05.

    • [FIX] Minor Bugfixes

    0.4.1 – 2023.04.01.

    • [FIX] Activation error

    0.4 – 2023.03.29.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] WP Grid Builder incompatibility
    • [IMPROVE] Page priority management
    • [IMPROVE] Lazyload Iframes
    • [IMPROVE] Recaptcha compatibility
    • [IMPROVE] More detailed status report on dashboard
    • [IMPROVE] Speed up prebuild process

    0.3.52 – 2023.03.10.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] Analytics script optimization – 2023.03.03.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Fatal error during optimization on PHP 8+

    0.3.51 – 2023.03.03

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Jet Plugins product slider compatibility issues
    • [FIX] Prebuild loop

    0.3.50 – 2023.02.27.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

    0.3.48 – 2023.02.20.

    • [FIX] Youtube embed issues

    0.3.47 – 2023.02.20.

    • [FIX] Elementor Gallery issue
    • [IMPROVE] Lazyload background images

    0.3.46 – 2023.02.17.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] Critical assets loading
    • [IMPROVE] Lazyload images

    0.3.45 – 2023.02.13.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Hotjar compatibility issues
    • [FIX] Prevent prefetch admin URLs
    • [IMPROVE] Decrease CLS

    0.3.44 – 2023.01.25.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Price fragments for variations
    • [NEW] Remote prebuild feature

    0.3.43 – 2023.01.20.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Missing Open Graph meta for Facebook
    • [IMPROVE] JS Engine and inline style handler

    0.3.42 – 2023.01.17.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [NEW] Development Mode
    • [IMPROVE] Admin toolbar options added (frontend/backend/everywhere/hidden)

    0.3.41 – 2023.01.15.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Keep original images for Twitter cards and Open Graph
    • [FIX] Font optimization issues
    • [IMPROVE] Matamo compatibility

    0.3.40 – 2023.01.13.

    • [IMPROVE] Quriobot compatibility
    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [FIX] Elementor Image Carousel issue
    • [FIX] Missing Edit With Elementor if Logged in cache is active

    0.3.39 – 2023.01.10.

    • [FIX] Minor bufgixes
    • [IMPROVE] Improve font optimization
    • [IMPROVE] CDN Enabler compatibility

    0.3.38 – 2023.01.08.

    • [FIX] Critical CSS & FOUC issues

    0.3.37 – 2023.01.06.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

    0.3.36 – 2023.01.04.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

    0.3.35 – 2022.12.30.

    • [NEW] Logged in cache
    • [NEW] Collage feature
    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

    0.3.34 – 2022.12.28.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

    0.3.33 – 2022.12.26.

    • [IMPROVE] WP Featherlight compatibility
    • [IMPROVE] etracker Analytics compatibility

    0.3.32 – 2022.12.21.

    • [IMPROVE] Presto Player compatibility
    • [IMPROVE] Iframe lazyload compatibility
    • [FIX] Infinite loop symlink

    0.3.31 – 2022.12.20.

    • [FIX] Web Worker error

    0.3.30 – 2022.12.16.

    • [FIX] Responsive WebP background images
    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes
    • [IMPROVE] Critical CSS generation

    0.3.29 – 2022.12.09.

    • [FIX] Elementor JS Optimizer conflict
    • [IMPROVE] Optimize background images

    0.3.28 – 2022.12.08.

    • [FIX] Query Monitor issue
    • [NEW] HTTP API cache

    0.3.27 – 2022.12.07.

    • [FIX] LiteSpeed cache stucked at 80%

    0.3.26 – 2022.12.07.

    • [IMPROVE] JS Optimization engine third party compatibility
    • [IMPROVE] WPML support
    • [IMPROVE] Compatibility with managed hostings

    0.3.25 – 2022.12.06.

    • [IMPROVE] Load full CSS before JS execution if necessary

    0.3.24 – 2022.12.06.

    • [IMPROVE] JS Optimization Engine
    • [IMPROVE] Third Party Compatibility (plugins using output buffer)
    • [FIX] Lazyload Background Images issue

    0.3.23 – 2022.11.29.

    • [IMPROVE] Iframe optimizer
    • [IMPROVE] Jetpack compatibility

    0.3.22 – 2022.11.25.

    • [IMPROVE] JS Optimization Engine
    • [FIX] typo in WooCommerce module

    0.3.20 – 2022.11.23.

    • [FIX] third party javascript optimization conflicts
    • [FIX] Elementor double init issue

    0.3.19 – 2022.11.22.

    • [FIX] source mapping issues in JS engine

    0.3.18 – 2022.11.22.

    • [FIX] Improve JS engine compatibility

    0.3.17 – 2022.11.21.

    • [FIX] Minor bugfixes

    0.3.16 – 2022.11.21.

    • [FIX] Gateway fo Braintree Payments compatibility issue

    0.3.15 – 2022.11.21.

    • [FIX] Fatal error when $urls empty

    0.3.14 – 2022.11.21.

    • [RELEASE] Public beta release