How to optimize fonts

#fonts #lcp #web vitals

To optimize fonts for your WordPress site, use a limited number of fonts and only include the font styles that are necessary. Consider using variable fonts and the font-display: swap property to improve font loading performance. If possible, use local fonts to avoid making external requests. These optimizations can help reduce the loading time of your site and provide a better user experience for your visitors.

To improve font loading performance, consider preloading only the fonts that are used in above-the-fold content. Preloading unnecessary fonts can increase the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric, which can negatively impact page load times. Using critical fonts is also a recommended practice.

What are Critical Fonts?

#fcp #font #lcp #web vitals

Critical fonts is a unique feature offered by Swift Performance that optimizes font loading by creating critical font files for above-the-fold content. This can dramatically decrease font loading times, improve the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and First Contentful Paint (FCP) metrics, and boost overall page load times. By using critical fonts, site owners can provide a better user experience and improve site performance.

Preload key requests

#lcp #preload

Preloading key requests can help improve website performance by reducing the time it takes for resources to load. However, it is important to preload resources selectively, as preloading too many requests can increase Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), especially on mobile devices.

It’s recommended to decide page by page which resources should be preloaded, or use intelligent automation tools to identify the most critical resources to preload.

About TL;DR?

TL;DRs are mini articles about WordPress speed, SEO, and optimization related questions.


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