Optimize CLS

#cls #web vitals

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) has become a critical performance metric, as it measures the amount of visual instability that users experience during page load.

While using a well-coded theme and good plugins can help reduce CLS, delaying all JavaScripts or using poorly-coded themes/plugins or third-party embeds can cause significant CLS issues.

To address CLS, it’s recommended to use an automated CLS optimizer, which can analyze the layout of the page and determine which elements are contributing to CLS, and optimize them accordingly. Optimizing CLS manually can be a complex and time-consuming task, but with the help of a CLS optimizer, website owners can quickly improve the user experience of their site.

JavaScript Optimization and CLS

#analytics #cls #javascript #script

Delaying JavaScripts can negatively impact user experience and increase Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) in field data. Instead of delaying all scripts, it is better to use modern JavaScript optimization techniques and only delay scripts that do not manipulate the DOM without user interaction.

Delaying analytics scripts can result in inaccurate data being collected, since the script may not fire or be captured properly. To ensure accurate analytics data, it is important to load analytics scripts in a timely manner, and to use modern optimization techniques to minimize their impact on website performance.

About TL;DR?

TL;DRs are mini articles about WordPress speed, SEO, and optimization related questions.


Common Cache Plugin Issues – Lack of Optimization for Non-Cached Pages
Why should you use a Premium Cache Plugin?
Common cache plugin issues – JavaScript Errors


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