Getting started with Cloudflare

#cdn #cloudflare
  1. Register a free account on Cloudflare
  2. Log in to your Cloudflare account and click on the “Add a Site” button on the dashboard.
  3. Enter your website’s domain name in the field provided and click the “Add Site” button.
  4. Choose the Cloudflare plan that you want to use for your domain, and click the “Confirm Plan” button.
  5. The next step is to update your domain’s nameservers to the ones provided by Cloudflare. You will need to log in to your domain registrar’s website and update the nameservers for your domain.
  6. Once you have updated your domain’s nameservers, Cloudflare will begin to scan your DNS records to make sure everything is set up correctly.
  7. Review the DNS records that Cloudflare has detected and make any necessary changes or additions.
  8. Choose the desired SSL settings for your domain, including the SSL mode and certificate type.
  9. Once you have reviewed and confirmed all of your settings, click the “Continue” button to complete the setup process.

Optimize TTFB

#cdn #cloudflare #hosting #ttfb

To optimize Time to First Byte (TTFB), there are several strategies that website owners can implement. One effective approach is to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Cloudlfare to distribute website content closer to the user, reducing network latency.

It is also recommended to use page caching, improving database performance. It is also important to choose the right hosting.

Which is the best CDN service?

#cdn #cloudflare #free

Cloudflare is the best CDN on the market, offering an easy-to-use platform and a powerful free plan that can meet the needs of most users. With its advanced security features, fast load times, and global network, Cloudflare is the ideal choice for optimizing WordPress performance and protecting it from potential threats.

About TL;DR?

TL;DRs are mini articles about WordPress speed, SEO, and optimization related questions.


Common Cache Plugin Issues – Lack of Optimization for Non-Cached Pages
Why should you use a Premium Cache Plugin?
Common cache plugin issues – JavaScript Errors


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